Category Archives: reblogged

Playing Ghosts – A Poem

lovey work and a wonderful blogger/poet.

April 10, 2013 by josephacarlucci  visit marcellosrevenge to read more amazing work!

This poem was originally posted under “Desire – A Poetic Trilogy”, but I have decided to break up the poems so that each will stand alone instead. The original post has been re-titled “Echo – A Poem” and now only contains that piece. ****************************************************************

Playing Ghosts I lost my shoes in a telephone booth when I was calling the florist to tell them to never mind. My cell phone was shut off, you see. A song came on and I turned up the radio, the children asked me to, and it drowned out the engine noise nicely. I had never heard the song before. It sounded like raking leaves. Oh, by the way, last night I dreamed I made you a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich. You said you did not care for raspberry jelly. The seeds hurt your teeth. I feel as if I carry hope in a broken watch. The sun rises over the fog covered trees where a crane steals glimpses of me sipping orange juice through a straw. Somewhere in back me, our home dissolves behind a beautiful green door, the grey carpet spotted with rust colored stains, frost entering through the bathroom window. Remember when we played at being ghosts, dressed in paisley patterned sheets, hiding in the closets and under the bed, forgetting ourselves in moments of blissful delusion. *******************************************************

Other poems in the Desire Trilogy. Echo:

Echo: San Antonio Slim:

Playing Ghosts – A Poem.

via Playing Ghosts – A Poem.